We recommend spending 10 minutes on this section.
With your list of connections in place, it's time to start figuring out how all of these people fit into your pivot strategy.
For every member of your network, take a few moments to think about how you can reach out to them and what kinds of support they can provide. Are you looking for an informational interview? More general coaching? An introduction to someone else at a company where you'd like to work? Come up with a few categories that make sense for you and starting assigning them to people.
Here are some categories:
Discovery - someone that can help you learn and explore a role, and introduce you to more people to have discovery conversations.
Coach/Mentor - someone who can help coach through interviews and the emotional process
Connector - someone that can help you build a network and land interviews
Future boss - someone you would love to work for and want to reach out to when feel on top of your game. Someone you have your eye on but don't know them?
Check our next chapter for some helpful templates on how to reach out to these different people in your network.
Conversation Structure Template
The key is to leave the person with a clear understanding of why you are good and how they can specifically help you in your search. Here are some ways to structure that discussion!
What do you do?
How'd you get into (role) (with specific thoughtful questions/comments demonstrating I have done in depth research about them and the company)
My goasMy story/background
Any advice?
Do you know anyone at [2-3 companies you are interested in]?
Anyone else I should talk to who is looking for [your desired role here]?
Are there any other people you think it would be good for me to connect with?
Great, so as a next step I will follow up with you on x,y,z
Based on our chat, I would love to help you with [maybe an intro, sending them an article, etc]
Do you know anyone at [2-3 companies you are interested in]?
Anyone else I should talk to who is looking for [your desired role here]?
Are there any other people you think it would be good for me to connect with?
What do you feel good about regarding your network?
Which area do you feel like you need more support?
Who can you practice with to build confidence as you reach out?